09 February 2011

Health Fair!

Health fair, feria de salud, in barrio Sandino! I work with a group of 20-ish women in this neighborhood. So, when ever MINSA, the Ministry of Health, goes to work in the area I like to tag along.

For the average health fair we bring a general practitioner, a dentist, a few nurses and a gynocologist.

You can see the line of people waiting outside the school to see a doctor. I like to talk to the people waiting in line. Maybe give a small class to the children about how to wash your hands. Maybe give a class to the adults on HIVaids. We bring speakers, music and handout with information on them with us. So, it makes it a little bit more fun for the people waiting. A little bit more fun for me!

Check out my white board art! Cholera . . .

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