19 September 2010

Realizing dreams.

I’m having some trouble completing all of these things I would like to do here in my site, Jinotega. So, I think I’m going to write them out here on my blog. Maybe knowing that you all are reading this and expecting outcomes will give me a little bit of umph.

Here goes . . .

- HIVaids billiards tournament
Giving little ten minute classes on different topics of HIVaids in btwn each round.
Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd donated by local businesses

- A garden of Marango (a super nutritious plant) in the Casa Materna
Teaching cooking classes on how to use the leaves of the plant
Keeping up the garden and maybe giving out seeds to the women when they home. Maybe they will do this in their communities!

- Starting a reading circle at Circulo de Amigas
Read fun books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Get kids excited about reading

- Program and have a two month work shop on sexual and reproductive health with the girls from Circulo de Amigas

- Start a Hotline on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Jinotega
Create a survey for teenagers finding out what kind of phone service they have, what they know about sexual health and if they would use this kind of hotline.
Get a phone company to donate a phone with unlimited texting
Run the hotline via text
Train individuals, hopefully teenagers/20 somes to continue to hotline
Run another pilot program in a small community in Chingandega
Spread this to all departments of Chingandega

- Write a grant and actually get money to sponsor an afternoon at a local high school on Dec 1st on HIVaids
Get money
Have a day workshop for the teachers of a local high school and teach them about HIVaids and how to teach their classes
The next week have the teachers all teach the same class to their students on HIVaids
At the end of that week have a school wide fair and a competition between classes or students on what they learned
Give everyone T-shirts
Have some fun activities too!

- Teach yoga to the pregnant women in the Casa Materna

- Have a basketball or soccer tournament in the city with education about sexual health
Bring in kids from communities outside the city
Find a sponsor to give jerseys to the players
Get youth to help organize and present the information

OK, there it is. Now I’m going to get it done.

1 comment:

  1. You have some amazing ideas Lauren!! I can't wait to here how they turn out! Love you!
