I´m having a great day, so I thought I´d write a blog about it!
Tropical Strom Mathew has hit Nicaragua hard. So hard in fact that they thought it might even turn into a full blown hurricane. Luckily though, Nicaragua is having none of that. What that means for me though is that parts of my house are flooding, all of my toilet paper was soaked ahh and my hand washed clothes are refusing to dry.
But, I promised good news right? Hear goes . . .
1. I purchased a super gangsta electric burner in Matagalpa this weekend (my last one died, mind you it only cost me $10). Anyway, this burner is made of a metal base, a clay top and visible wiring spiriling into the center. I have to pull the plug out of the wall to turn it off. And, as you can guess absolutely no way to change the temperature. But, it works and cost less then $2. Check that out!

2. I´ve started a youth group in a community about an hour outside of the city in an agro community named Datanli. I have about 40 some youth that meet up every other week, we watch movies and documetaries about health, gender, domestic violence etc. and talk about it. They are great and I´m having a fabulous time working with them. Hopefully this will make into the new year.
3. A woman from SILAIS (the Ministry of Health´s main office for the Dept . of Jinotega) came into my office last week. She wants to start a pregnant womens group in the outskirts of the city, with me! I´m pumped. Finally fabulous work is coming my way on a semi regular basis.
4. I found out that cut up tomatoes, olive oil, salt & pepper, cumin and chile is out of this world.
5. Last Friday I had a health fair for the local university, focusing on HIVaids. We had games, posters and banners, condom demos, speakers, the HIV rapid test and the opportunity to give blood to the Red Cross. The fair was amazing (especially because I was given 3 days to plan it). And I donated blood.
6. Mmm I haven´t showered in 3 days. Se fue el agua.