July 19, 2010. 7:30 A.M. Jinotega is going wild. Buses full of FSLN youth are leaving for Managua. There are kids hanging out of bus windows and sitting on rooftop racks. They are singing Sandanista songs, cheering and trucks drive behind them honking their horns. Thousands of Nicaraguans are going to the capital city, Managua, to celebrate. They are celebrating Nicaragua’s liberation from Somoza in 1979.
A little history:
From 1912 to 1933 Nicaragua was occupied by the U.S. Over the next 3 ½ years various men were appointed president none of which were supported strongly by the United States. On January 1, 1937 a man named Anastasio Somoza Garcia appointed himself Commander of the National Guard, President of Nicaragua. He was strongly supported by the United States. In fact, Somoza became one of the richest men in Latin America as a result of supplying the U.S. with goods during World War II. Note: He became one of the richest men, Nicaragua did not profit from this. Somoza had no opposition. The National Guard dealt with anyone who challenged him. Over Somoza’s life the National Guard killed more than 20,000 peasants, workers and students.
Although Anastasio Somoza Garcia was assassinated in 1956 his sons went on to rule Nicaragua. Over a series of different brothers Anastasio Jr. became the final ‘president’ and ruled just like his father. By 1974 the Somoza family wealth was estimated to be well over $900 million. Quite a lot considering Nicaragua was one of the poorest nations on earth. At this point Nicaragua faced
36% unemployment,
74% illiteracy,
60% malnutrition and
80% kids without school.
Between 1958 and 1960 there were over 60 armed uprisings. All were squashed by the National Guard (who interestingly enough were trained and armed by the U.S.). In 1960 a Fonseca**** returned and united the nationalists into one group, called the Sandanistas. A tribute to ******. They would later adopt the name FSLN, la Frontera Sandanista de la Liberacion Nacional.
For 18 years the Front fought. They hid themselves in the mountains of northern Nicaragua training, gaining power and organizing. In 1978 a man by the name of Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, the editor of the anti-Somoza newspaper, La Prensa, was assassinated by the Guard. With this, anti-Somocistas began to openly strike. These people included priests, businessmen, students and intellectuals.
Nicaraguans rose up against the Guard throughout the country. When Somoza realized that he was losing he ordered the mass killing of kids over the age of 13, no matter their political affiliation. Genocide.
Finally on July 17, 1979 Somozas fled to Miami. The interim president lasted only 43 hours. Sandanistas were finally taking over Managua.
On July 18, 1979 the Nicaraguan people had liberated themselves from Somoza and the United States of America. They earned their freedom.
Having only lived here for a little over half a year I have already heard stories about the Somoza dictatorship. One woman I know remembers sitting in her living room in Jinotepe, Carazo. She watched the Guard line up young men in front of her house and take them up the street toward the University Park. She would later recall the sounds of shots, screams and falling bodies. The Somoza National Guard was killing off all men above the age of 13 regardless if they were Sandanista or not.
Another woman I know shared a similar story. She had been in Managua with a man she was dating when they were stopped by the National Guard. While she had her I.D. he had left his at home. The Guard seized him. His mother searched for him for days in every police station in and around Managua with no luck. A few days later he found his way home in the middle of the night covered in bruises and blood. He had been brutally attacked by the Guard, called names and been treated like an animal. Within hours of returning home he told his girlfriend, family and friends that he was going to El Salvador to be with family. He had no family in El Salvador. He was going to the mountains to train with the rebels and fight back against Somoza. A few years later, on July 17, 1979 late at night National Guard jeeps rolled quietly into this woman’s town, San Juan del Oriente in Masaya. The Guard had heard young men from the mountains where going through the community collecting guns, bullets and food from their families and friends to take back to the growing Sandanista cause. She awoke to hear three gun shots only blokes away. In the morning she would find her friend killed in front of the Catholic Church with two other young men from the village. While she went with his mother to identify the body she could not cry, wear black or morn his death. Guard soldiers were surrounding his body. Two days later the Sandanistas took hold of Managua and gained their independence. Two days too late for the town of San Juan del Oriente.
Jeez Laur! That is crazy...those anecdotes blew my mind.
ReplyDeleteWow that really puts my life into perspective. Amazing that you are hearing those stories firsthand.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love the video of where you live! More like that of your house and where you work and all that please!!