So it has been raining insane amounts here in Jinotega. They say the winter season has finally begun. Apparently lasts years rainy season consisted of one week of light rain. I guess we are making up for lost time this year. With the rain comes a flooded room, toads in the house, and wonderfully fun galoshes. My counterpart in the health center gave me a pair: black plastic, twice sizes too big, and awkward. All of the health promoters in the mountains have them. In fact, I think almost every campesino I have seen in the last month has a pair. I feel fashionable.
At the moment I am sitting in the coffee shop in Jinotega, with internet. NOTE: There are only two coffee shops in town. Robyn is here from San Rafael del Norte, a small town 30 min north of Jinotega. We've been shopping for used goods for our new abodes. You might say going on a little splurge. What that really means is that I spent an entire $10 dollars. A rather large amount of money here. BUT, I now have trash bins, one small pot, a medium pan and a variety of other fun, mostly kitchen things. My home is going to be amazing. Watch out Jinotega!
Rob and I gave up shopping when the rain hit. We tried to make it safely to the coffee shop without just getting soaked. Didn't workout so well. But, thanks to a few trash bags and looking fabulous we made it. We're completely drenched, but we made it!
So here's to the rain, Peace Corps friends and shopping.
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