30 April 2010

Top Ten (in no particular order) - Living in Jinotega

1. Last week out in the campo a nurse called me his muñeca preciosa, precious doll. I told him my name was Lorena, not muñeca.When I asked why he called me that he said, “women like to be called sweet things: beautiful, doll, my love. Everyone knows that.” Turns out everyone means all of his male friends.

2. Tuesday at a workshop on school gardens two brigadistas, health workers, from a community outside of town I work at walked in. I saw them and waved. They waved back. A local NGO leader looked over at me and said, “you have people.”
Check me out, I have people.

3. I’m thinking about buying a chicken . . . a live one . . . for eggs. I could name her Juanita.

4. In Nicaragua people DRINK oatmeal. Oatmeal as a hot cereal just does not exist.
2 Tbls Oatmeal
2-3 Tbls Granulated Sugar
1 Cup Water

5. I was recently asked if I knew the Japanese volunteer who worked at the community based birthing home . . . 8 yrs ago.

6. Hugo Chavez owns Channel 8 on the TV.

7. If you have been eating and are full in Nicaragua you can use the English word full. It is amazing. Estoy full.

8. A few days ago while in the mountains with the National Vaccine Campaign I was sent out with a truck, driver, paper and markers, and a loud speaker system. I went to all the communities the campaign would be visiting the next day and announced their imminent arrival. I feel important. Ha.

9. There are huge protests going on in Managua. Daniel Ortega, the President of Nicaragua, is trying to change the constitution. Currently it states that an individual can not be president for more than two terms in Nicaragua. Unfortunately Ortega was president once before in the late 80´s. He is trying to take the limit out all together. Many Nicaraguans believe that it is very likely this will happen.

10. ABBA just came on in my office. In Spanish.


  1. 1. Sexism, always funny. /sarcasm
    2. You can make friends anywhere! I love it!
    3. Name her after me and tell her all of your stories! It'll be like you have me with you!
    4. I don't like that. I like hot cereal...not chunky sweet water.
    5. You should have told him that he actually delivered you.
    6. Weirdness.
    7. That sounds like me speaking Spanish..you know it's true.
    8. You ARE important!
    9. You're witnessing history!
    10. Abba--transcends all language barriers!

    Can you tell I miss you and check you blog all the time? I love you!

  2. I just learned today about your blog from yr grandmother. (Hope you don't mind a personal message masquerading as a comment to a post.)

    Your cousin Rachel is learning to put on her pants, so she can say "I did it!" Not bad for a two-year-old, eh?

    You can read my own blog over here. I may even get around to adding another post to it one of these days.

    Uncle Geoff
