12 October 2011

Condom Fashion Show- VAST

The first day of our camp for youth on HIVaids was amazing. Our students were participative, excited to teach the subject to their peers and trusting. Peace Corps Volunteers from the entire department came to support us. It would have been just great if it ended there BUT it didn´t . . .

That evening we closed the day with an outrageous Condom Fashion Show, the first of its kind in Nicaragua.

Eight outfits were created, and they were fabulous. 

HIVaids Youth Workshop- VAST

Our week of preperation went off, not without a hitch, but we did it! Eight condom outfits were created. Space was donated, taken away, donated by another organization, taken away and given back again. Mattresses were donated, undonated and then donated again. Everything threatened to fall apart. But we did it!

All 40 youth arrived, on time, to the Cruz Roja by 9:00 am sharp.

The first day was full of leadership activities, learning how to teach your peers and of course . . . talking about healthy sexual and reproductive lifestyles.

Preparing for the HIVaids Youth Camp/ Fashion Show

A few weeks ago, I finally received my grant money from VAST to hold an HIVaids youth camp! All $980.00 baby. That is a small fortune here in Nicaragua. After months of applications and budgets it was amazing to see that money in my account.

With the help of another volunteer, Robyn Singleton, we organized over 40 youth from the department of Jinotega in preperation for the HIVaids camp. In teams of 5 each group was responsible for making a custume out of condoms. You heard me right, condoms. Our big event in the HIVaids youth camp would be a huge Condom Fashion Show!

SO . . . why did we decide to have a Condom Fashion Show? Well, to prevent HIVaids.

Whenever I teach my youth about condoms they actually freak out. No one wants to touch them, no one will look directly at the condom, especially if it is out of the wrapper. No way José. Anyway, the idea of the fashion show is to remove stigma, taboo and general shame over condoms by creating outfits out of them. Get rid of the idea of sex.

Check ou the pictures. I would say the concept worked pretty well.